New and used industrial and Construction equipment for sale.

Services for industry and construction for sale.

Net price: 65000 €
VAT: 6500 €
Total: 71500 €

Product ID: Bau-000014878
Price: 65000 €
Section: Construction machinery
Category: Excavators
Manufacturer: Caterpillar
Model year: 2009
Offer type: Buy

Rondo-Bau Kft.

Hungary, Móricz Zsigmond út 179 Leányfalu Hungary

Caterpillar 323D For Sale!

Model name: 323D,
Sale type: For Sale,
{{ cf.title_en }}: {{ cf.value }},
Net price: 65000 €
VAT: 6500 €
Total: 71500 €
Price on Request

Product ID: Bau-000014878
Price: 65000 €
Section: Construction machinery
Category: Excavators
Manufacturer: Caterpillar
Model year: 2009
Offer type: Buy

Поделиться объявлением:

Offer Description

We would like to sell our loved Caterpillar 323D. We had so much fun together, but now we need to part. The machine is in good condition and in a couple of days we just removed it’s running gear and bought a new one. We need to sell it because we need a bigger machine (at least Caterpillar 324) for our next job. If you are interested feel free to call me on the +36202976556 telephone number or write me an e-mail to the email adress.
Móricz Zsigmond út 179 Leányfalu Hungary

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Hungary, Móricz Zsigmond út 179 Leányfalu Hungary
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